Whether you’re going through a tough time in your relationship or you just want the strongest possible relationship before committing to that special person, couples counseling can be extremely beneficial.
Trying to determine when to seek out a couples therapist?
Here are five signs that you and your partner could benefit from talking to someone.
1. You Can’t Trust Your Partner
At the core of every relationship is one common component: Trust. A lack of trust in a relationship, no matter how small, is often a sign of a greater issue.
In fact, Psychology Today reports that trust is the most important factor in a successful relationship.
Whether there’s reason for the lack of trust, such as lying or infidelity or you just get a bad feeling, it never hurts to talk things out and work on trusting again.
2. You’re Looking to Strengthen Your Communication Skills
If trust is at the core of a relationship, communication is the foundation. It’s no secret that everyone communicates in his or her own individual way. And sometimes, that can lead to some tricky misunderstandings.
Wouldn’t it be nice if everyone just said what they meant?
Learning to communicate with your partner in a more effective way is a fantastic way to strengthen your relationship. By seeking out a couples therapist, you and your partner can learn to express your needs and desires in a more thorough, healthy way.
3. You’ve Experienced Trauma
Trauma can break down even the strongest relationship. It’s no one’s fault, per say, but grieving and withdrawing in an unhealthy fashion can lead to fear, resentment, and anger.
No matter what type of trauma you’re dealing with, it’s important that you learn how to properly cope. Learning those coping skills with a loved one can make the process far easier.
4. You Don’t Feel Like a Team Anymore
A relationship consists of individuals. But it’s only when those individuals come together to form a team that the dynamic begins to resemble a relationship.
Being a team is integral in a healthy relationship.
It means having someone you can turn to in your time of need. It means having someone to share the most important moments of your life with, both good and bad.
When that sense of unity begins to disappear, we have a tendency to put up walls and shut people out. But couples therapy is a great way to work at reestablishing those bonds.
5. You’re Considering Marriage
Want to enter into your marriage with the strongest possible bond? Relationship counseling can help.
Before saying ‘I do’ to that special someone, learn what it takes to make a marriage work. You’ll be better prepared for the challenges and hardships you’ll face along the way and you’ll feel closer to your partner, to boot.
Couples Counseling Can Strengthen Your Relationship
In truth, couples counseling could benefit just about every couple out there. If we all learned to take better care of each other, the world would be a much simpler, happier place.
If you’re interested in counseling, reach out for a free consultation. Whether you’re in a rut, experienced a hardship, or you just want to know your partner better, Dr. Quintal & Associates can help.