Hypnosis: Missing from most diet programs is a mind-body connection.
The “diet gurus” give you information on what to eat, what exercises to do and what foods to avoid. They expect that just by having this information you will shed the pounds. Most diet programs reach out only to the conscious mind, which inevitably struggles to “stick with” any program. Relying on self-control to make meaningful change tends to be short lived with results that never seem to last. Many have already experienced this after reaching their goals only to regain the pounds all back.
First, you need to recognize that real and lasting results is achieved with permanent life style change.
In order to make permanent changes in your eating habits and the way in which you live your life, involves having to access the subconscious part of your brain. How do you do that? With hypnotherapy, we teach you how to conceptualize your goals, identify your desires and visualize them (both on an emotional and sensory level). By working to deactivate certain emotional stressors, it will become easier for you to make the lasting changes you need.
Dr. Quintal & Associates highly trained therapists will help you reach your ideal weight.
Make an appointment or schedule a free phone consultation today.